Group Companies~kana? 1197
yaiii (¨)ノ

Yesterday was [Kouhaku Special! expanded version],
have you watch it?
today is "watamono" !

*(Watamono = WATAshitachi no MONOgatari. Drama radio)
following last week episode before,
we, 6 people were allowed to do performance.
*(check comment)
kinda same like Hoka no Hoshi member~! (・∀・)
this time too, I was allowed to do 2 drama, *(check her 755. she post a lot about drama)
but it was pretty different story
because Valentine day is near,
the story is about Valentine day too~
Please looking forward for it~

『私たちの物語』/ [Our Story]
it's started at 22:pm
Valentine is near~!
at this time,
the rules for pero-food is chocolate for valentine~!
Since Nakada entering Nogizaka46,
I always made handmade chocolate for members,
and then staff-san buying chocolate for us
I have already experienced 4 times valentines since I'm entering Nogizaka46,
and up until now, when valentine comes,
staff-san are always buying chocolate for us.
I will keep remember about that

when I think about Cospa,
I think there wont be any honmei choco...
and, the price set tho...
rather than for working people, I think it's better for students.
with that feeling, so please check it out.
Sebastien BOUILLET,
cake bukeshokora. *(cake name)

If it's about cute cake,
then it must be Sebastien Bouillet ~! *(cake shop)

this is so cute~
and I don't need to worry because the choco won't melt~
and it's easy to carry too~!
Because there's also buke cake with not shokora type,
I will going to buy several types according to the preferences ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I will also introduced it on next blog~!
kana~ ̄(=∵=) ̄
ps: I dont know if kanarin doing drama radio on NHK fm.
please pardon me.
Edited on 160212, 9pm.
Thanks to Niep-san comment for correcting me :bow:
She meant 6 members performed/casted in watamono, not nogishow.